#elulwithme: Trust

Harper Hazelmare
Parsha Posts
Published in
1 min readSep 17, 2020


A woman wearing a hijab smiles peacefully with her eyes closed. Below her is the word Trust.

Trust is a lot like faith: you can’t see it or touch it, you can only feel it. Every culture has phrases that capture this believing, just as everyone knows the idiom “easy does it” in their own way.

It’s hard to know who to Trust these days some say. I disagree. I know I can Trust my best friend, my spouse, my coach. I can Trust the neighbors I regularly meet on walks with their dogs. I have Trust in my friends, urban family…



Harper Hazelmare
Parsha Posts

Writer of cautionary tales, lyrical narratives, and curated essayist. Maker of writings & art at brownhorseherbal.com. (she/they + we/our/ours)